Friday, October 18, 2019

Meet Him or Her: Lessons on Campus Friendship.

Through goodwill, pleasantries, smile, sense of humor and extrovertism we meet different kinds of people; with different backgrounds and creeds. Some are lessons, others are reasons. There is no accident in meeting someone because experience as we know, whether good or bad gives a lot about the future. Campus life is different, sometimes it irritates and sucks; but it never stop being interesting. There is this thought i want to share with you; In this world, we've all got our own world. Your world, My world. The way you are, how you were raised and brought up, the environment you were nurtured, the amenities that were at your disposal, friends that you grew up with, where you have been, all constitute your world. Your inner canal together with your natural embodiment determines your likes and dislikes. Of course, that also determines the kind of people you like and dislike. The question here is; do we get people we wanna live with by our own selves of life chooses for us? Well, that is a debate on it own. But i guess you can recall how you met all the friends you have now. There is this thing; You never knew you were going to meet them! 

Maybe you are dating a guy you met at the revenue office when you were doing registration. He gave you pen to fill some forms and that ended with discussions on how the forms are going to be filled. You were so pleased and you exchange contacts. This can never be predetermined. So you see, reality is simple; you just have to accept that you never know the kind of people you are going to meet, you never know the kind of people you will get inside your world and for that matter your world is full of accidental people. That brings us to the conclusion that life choose people for us, we don't choose people for life. Well! you can argue, but you will still draw the conclusion that, You didn't choose your parent.

Campus friendship is; let's say tragedy-comedy or bitter honey, it never cease to be sour. Some degrades life, others improve life. some even changes life totally. But there is one thing i would like to emphasize in this short piece. Never fail to get the best out of anyone you meet. Irrespective of who he or she is. Never let he or she go with the quality, talent, abilities and virtues. Trust me, everyone has got these. That lady in your class that people say; she is prostitute, sleeping with different guys on campus can change your life; not in the bad way, but good. You only know her name; that she is a prostitute, you don't know her story. What about if she stops following guys and focus only on the good stuffs in her? Can you remember such lady with that same tag way back in High School? You see how better her life has been now? Yes! We never know what will happen next. In campus, there is no good or bad friends; they are good because you think they don't drink, party, smoke weed, womanize, quit lectures, chase guys, fool around, give sex for grades, don't learn. What about if i tell you those you think are good had once aborted 3 babies, killed for money rituals, masturbate, with other immoralities? People don't make us good, we make ourselves good for people to appreciate.   

One thing happen but for once; meeting and getting chance to talk to him or her. Whatever be the kind of relationship; whether dating, courtship, sex mate, classmate, churchmate, coursemate whatsoever. Take chances, treat him or her well not for the sake of the current relationship, but for future when You and I need help. Be kind, caring, loving and gentle. Even if breakup time comes, do that with dignity and respect because whether you like it or not, that going to be your history for life. Don't exchange good reputation for bad friendship on campus; it mostly happens and people have lost tons of opportunities through that, precious people have walked out of people's life bitterly. Don't let such happen to you. Try to protect your dignity to keep precious people for future use

Do you wana know How to do that? More to come.

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